Sunday, August 30, 2009

Americans Less Likely to Text While Driving after Viewing Controversial U.K. Public Service Announcement
Majority of Americans (85%) say the PSA should be aired in the U.S.

I tend to agree, especially lately, tho I was always firmly against this dangerous idiocy.

My daughter and now-ex-husband are on our county's Rescue Squad. A couple of months ago they responded to a call. It was a young man, a boy really, about 20-23, who'd left the road and hit a tree, and died on impact. They knew then that he'd died on impact, because his eyes were open wide, mouth open in a scream - so he saw what was happening but it happened so fast he couldn't stop it. Time to see, not to act. And, still clutched in his hand so tightly they had to pry his fingers loose, was a cell phone, and a partially completed text message.
HCD Research Inc., through its® website, is the leader in public perception of topical issues and draws from its MediaCurves™ panel to report on Americans’ perceptions of popular and controversial media events, visual broadcasts, and advertisements.
Utilizing proprietary and patent-pending curve technology, survey participants view and evaluate a video or broadcast of current events by “dial testing” (moving their mouse back and forth on a scale) to indicate, for example, believability or agreement with the video. The responses are compiled and curves are created so that you can see when people agree/disagree or believe/disbelieve what is being said in the video.Studies conducted using the MediaCurves™ survey method cover topical areas including healthcare, business, politics, and other national and international news, both for single studies as well as longitudinal studies. In many cases, data indices have been developed for various topical areas and subject matter.
The above was copied directly from Media Curve's site, but I can tell you that I really enjoy being a member. The surveys are fun or interesting to take - not boring like many survey sites, and you won't find a page full of tiny circles to spend half a day clicking away at. There are also fun subjects as well as serious ones, such as entertainment, and culture.

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